If you serge every day for hours, cleaning it out frequently is
important. Oiling once a month if you're a heavy user, otherwise, less often is
fine. Some folks Never oiled their serger, and insist it is not necessary.
a lot of wear and tear difficulties can be avoided by taking the time to learn
how to clean and oil your serger. Save yourself from making costly beginner
mistakes and stop and actually read through the manual before starting. This
will help you avoid jamming your machine, breaking your needles and other
mishaps which occur before understanding how it is supposed to work.
Click on the photos to enlarge view for Oiling Points

The Brother 1034d Serger manual says to oil your machine before use on page 57, but it doesn't say what oil.
Can I use WD40?
No, use sewing machine oil. WD-40 is a solvent not a lubricant.
Sewing machine oil yes, WD40 no........ buy sewing machine oil at:
Amazon Havel's Sewing
JoAnn Fabrics Walmart in the notions

Oilspout refillable bottle
Cleaning and Oiling your Serger
Cleaning Your Serger